Data Intelligence
Do you really know your users?
Now that you have your new website ready to go online, it’s time to think about an analytics tool that really shows you who your visitors and customers are online.
If you get to know your customers, you can improve your services, products or even the shopping experience.
Analysis metrics
You must be curious to know...
- Where do they come from
- How many pages they visit
- From what locations and languages
- How many pages they visit
- How long do they sail
- Which pages are most visited
- What products do they buy
- What is the average purchase price
- Why abandon the shopping cart
Measure, analyze and report
Our Data Intelligence team uses Google Analytics, a completely free Google tool, which allows us to know all these metrics and much more.
With the e-commerce extension, you will also be able to know in detail each sale made on your website and understand how your business can evolve.
How we Work?
Mind Forward supports the integration of the Google Analytics analysis tool, setting the necessary objectives for each project to ensure a rigorous and very complete analysis of the desired metrics.
In addition, our Data Intelligence team guarantees support to each client in the interpretation of the metrics and data collected in the tool, preparing periodic reports to identify opportunities for optimizing their online business.